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YaBB integration (sort of ...)

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Well, I'm running a YaBB forum alongside one of my Geeklog sites. Since it's not very likely that the two will ever work together nicely, I thought I could at least make the signup process a bit easier for those users who already registered for the Geeklog site and now want to register with the YaBB forum, too.

I wrote a little script that does exactly that: A registered Geeklog user can register with the YaBB forum with a simple click. After that, YaBB will send him/her the registration details, etc. and from then on, the two accounts are independant of each other. But at least they don't have to type in their user name and email address a second time ...

If you think this might be useful for you, you can download the script and give it a go.

bye, Dirk


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Is anyone actually using this and/or interested in a bit more integration of YaBB and Geeklog? I'm working on some things here, but could need some beta testers.

Anyone interested?

bye, Dirk



Are you talking about YaBB SE or just YaBB? If it is YaBB SE I would be willing to check it out.

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Sorry, should have mentioned this earlier: I am talking about the Perl version of YaBB, not YaBB SE.

bye, Dirk



Well, I would be interested. Very interested! :-) gimme an answer here if you need a tester still

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I'm still not finished with this, but yes, I am still looking for testers.

What I have so far:

  • searching in Geeklog will also search in the forums
  • a block that lists the current topics from the forums
  • stories from Geeklog's submission queue can be posted to the forum instead (this one needs some testing, though ...)

Planned, but not really done yet: Synchronise the user databases of Geeklog and YaBB. Also planned: Sign up new Geeklog users to YaBB automatically.

bye, Dirk



what about im

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i'm interested where can i get the script?

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I never really got around finishing this script. You can get the current version from the GPlugs CVS - look for yabbforum.

bye, Dirk



hello - what I read is fantastic good news. I work with schools in european union who is connected to brussel with many project Yabb for perl and Yabb SE the new vertion is a TOP forum board with fantastic fast support and there are about 1 million website and more who use Yabb forum board A new vertion will come out in Perl too I have big interrest and I not only talk for myself as I am new here but also for my many collects and users who run this famous BBS board and like to have a weblog front end. I believe if GEEKLOG will be the first weblog who really support Yabb Forum ( www.yabb.info)PHP and ( www.yabbforum.com) PERL Geeklog wil get dramatic many more Users as many Yabb users will not change BBS to another but still wait for a weblog supplier come with the first integration. I hope you gues will still do some progress - and I will do mine to advertise it arround - so people know about it. Thank you for great work - and hope get more news later kind regards sol812 www.sol812.com


I have to agree, I have been running the Perl version of Yabb for the past 2 years. I have just changed to the PHP version YaBBSE. I would not be interested in giving up YaBB, but would love someone to intergrate the front end. I am too am very intestered. I know that there are a great numbers of people that feel like we do. Curt Roberts Mud Shark Archery I will be downloading Geeklog to try it out.

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Please don't get too excited ...

I haven't done anything on this plugin for months and probably won't for the foreseeable future. So if anyone wants to take over this little project - please feel free to do so.

The current source is on the GPlugs CVS.

bye, Dirk


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