Welcome to Geeklog, Anonymous Thursday, October 03 2024 @ 07:27 pm EDT
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User list block
I've done a function in lib_custom.php that allows a Geeklog webmaster to create a block that makes a list of all the users in the website. I use it for the "logged in" group, so they can view other user's profiles, even if they are not online. I think this feature is so useful, because in my weblog (http://bilboweb.dtdns.net/gente/kacikekola) there are so few users (9) and this way I can allow users know something about other users.
The function is here:
* List Users()
* Php function to make user list and allow members to view not conected users' profiles.
function phpblock_ListUsers()
global $_CONF;
$list = "";
$quer = mysql_query ("SELECT uid,username,photo FROM gl_users ORDER BY uid");
while ($line = mysql_fetch_array($quer)){
$list = $list.'<a href="'.$_CONF["site_url"].'/users.php?mode=profile&uid='.$line["uid"].'">'.$line["username"];
if ($line["photo"] != ""){
$list = $list.' <img src="'.$_CONF["layout_url"].'/images/smallcamera.gif">';
$list = $list.'</a><br>';
return $list;
I think its code is "standard" for any Geeklog, as I've used system paths and so on.
Finally, thank you all for making this wonderful piece of software, I'm enjoying it a lot
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