Welcome to Geeklog, Anonymous Wednesday, February 19 2025 @ 12:44 am EST

Geeklog Forums

Geeklog Forum Project released!

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Forum User
Registered: 04/25/02
Posts: 15
This is the 3rd plugin I've made for geeklog but this one's a little different. This forum is released as a project, so it's open to modifying by anyone who feels they can improve it in anyway,shape or form. I hope that people will find it useful and was released for those in particular who wanted a forum that is integrated with Geeklog but not the almost excessive functionality of bigger competitive programs. To see it in action go here.

Also, as a few of you know, I need a break. I've been continuously working on projects for a while now and think I should take an extended vacation so I can get it together. With that said, after the release of the stats block, phpBB2 conversion final(note: pre-final has been released), and GeekDownloads, I will be leaving the Geeklog development scene for a while. I don't know how long but I'm confident that no matter what happens Geeklog will continue to be an amazing portal with plenty of dedicated contributors working to help improve it. I'm sooo glad that I could help be a part of that and I thank all of you for not only supporting me though good or bad but for also supporting Geeklog and it's other contributors. Thanks for everything Big Grin with that said, get it in the downloads section at my site.


All times are EST. The time is now 12:44 am.

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