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Site Admin
Registered: 12/17/01
Posts: 405
Be sure to get the new staticpage plugin from CVS on the Geeklog Plugins Site.

This new version now works with the copy of Geeklog in CVS in the geeklog-1.3 tree and it allows you to specify which side blocks show up on. For example:

The reason people blame things on previous generations is that there's only one other choice.

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Forum User
Registered: 12/17/01
Posts: 7
Static pages will be a key feature for my use of geeklog. I'd like to see the following additions to the static page features: 1) Allow the option to include the title of the static page in the menubar of the header. The same should apply to all the plugins. Make it an option to include the plugin title in the menubar. 2) Allow the option for full html code withing the static page section. This will allow folks to cut and paste pages from their old static sites more easily. Other than that, thanks for making this a plug-in!


These links don't work anymore. Can they be put up again, so I can see what you're explaining? Thanks


I have a feeling no one is listening.