
Is it possible to install Geeklog to a sub-directory within a website? (i.e. not have Geeklog as the entire website) I have a journal as a section of my website that I have been updating manually, and I want to switch over to Geeklog to automate things. Thanks.

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Registered: 01/12/02
Posts: 13073
Yes, that's possible. Just copy the contents of Geeklog's public_html folder into a directory on your site. The rest of the Geeklog files should be outside of your document root (i.e. such that they can not be accessed via a URL).

Then you only need to set up $_CONF['path_html'] such that it points to your subdirectory and $_CONF['path'] such that it points to where the config.php is.

bye, Dirk


Great, thanks.