Welcome to Geeklog, Anonymous Friday, September 13 2024 @ 10:01 pm EDT
Geeklog Forums
MacSnacks Got Geeked
Well, we've been Geeked for some time, but were too ashamed of our mods 'til now.
Running verson 1.3.7sr1 on an Apple Xserve with OS X 10.2.3, this is a heavily modified GL site whose design attempts to resemble that of a refrigerator. We are dedicated to the expansion of knowledge for those seeking Apple certification.
If you are pursuing the ACTC, ACSA or are new to Mac OS X, give us a visit. Our introductory titles are always free. Until our certification tracks are complete, they also cost you nothing but the time you want to devote toward learning new skills.
Learn about Mac OS X, on real Macintosh equipment. Access to an Xserve is coming soon!
A big "Thank You" to the Geeklog community for creating such a cool collection of code.
Running verson 1.3.7sr1 on an Apple Xserve with OS X 10.2.3, this is a heavily modified GL site whose design attempts to resemble that of a refrigerator. We are dedicated to the expansion of knowledge for those seeking Apple certification.
If you are pursuing the ACTC, ACSA or are new to Mac OS X, give us a visit. Our introductory titles are always free. Until our certification tracks are complete, they also cost you nothing but the time you want to devote toward learning new skills.
Learn about Mac OS X, on real Macintosh equipment. Access to an Xserve is coming soon!
A big "Thank You" to the Geeklog community for creating such a cool collection of code.
MacSnacks is now even more cluttered than before! Two sets of random background images give 'the Fridge' a more realistic look.
The right-hand column backgrounds change on every page load, while the remaining backgrounds are randomized daily.
Don't eat too much.
The right-hand column backgrounds change on every page load, while the remaining backgrounds are randomized daily.
Don't eat too much.
All times are EDT. The time is now 10:01 pm.
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