Welcome to Geeklog, Anonymous Tuesday, September 17 2024 @ 03:27 pm EDT

Geeklog Forums

Website based on heavily modified Geeklog


The website for my latest software is now online: http://www.pixelshox.com

It's based on Geeklog 1.3.6 which I modified a lot to fit my needs: custom theme of course, rewrote part of it, created a few plug-ins (bug tracker, forums, file manager)...

If I'm correct, Geeklog is GPL, so I have to resubmit the source code to the community: I'm totally OK with that (however, I probably won't include my theme), but who do I send the whole source code to?

Anyway, I just wanted to say that geeklog is pretty good (source code is clean and it has some very interesting ideas), so congrats to those who work on it Smile I've been looking a long time before finding a good community site tool.
I developers don't mind a bit of criticism, I would say, there are some design flaws (like including a huge amount of code each time a page is generated even if it will use only 10% of it) and it needs to be seriously optimized for performances.

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You don't have to resubmit or even publish your changes. You only need to make your source available if and when you're going to distribute or sell your version. As long as you only use it for your own site you are not obliged to publish any of your changes. However, we would be interested to hear what you changed. The next version of Geeklog will probably have a couple of new features, so maybe we can incorporate some of yours? bye, Dirk

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Registered: 02/26/02
Posts: 147
KUDO's for some nice work. That is a nice theme and I would encourage you to release it. GL needs more themes and more options for clean professional themes that can be using for buisiness sites as well. This would be a nice way of contributing to the GL community. Additionally, I liked your doc-umentation, forum and bugtracker .. but saw them as looking essentially the same. I'd like to see you package this up as FAQ Plugin. We need one and if you need any help - I'd be pleased to offer my assistance. Cheers and again - nice work Smile Blaine


Unfortunately, it's not that simple: the 4 plug-ins I've written for my site won't work on standard Geeklog since I heavily modified it to fit my needs. They do not have any installation procedure either. Because I developed them in a hurry, they are not very clean either (language is not in a separate lang.php file for example) nor feature complete. I plan to improve this when I'll have some time. However, it shouldn't be so difficult to clean them up and rewrite them a little bit so that they become official GL plug-ins if somebody feels like doing it. So the best is probably that both of you send me an e-mail and I'll return you my entire source code along with a dump of the sql table structure I use for geeklog. Then you can use a differentiation tool on that and possibly find some interesting stuff. Note that I really had to develop the web site in a rush, so all my code modifications and additions are not that well written - but it should still be readable Wink Once again, great, great work for geeklog Wink

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Registered: 10/10/02
Posts: 16
Looks nice! Nice to see a mac develper out there. Which forum did you use? XMB?

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