
I am trying to use the anonymous who's online block but my problem is that when the person viewing the block isnt logged it, it doesnt show them anything meaning that for some reason they have no access to : $_CONF, $_TABLES, $LANG01 & $_USER these 4 lines of code for some reason do not return anything, when they should.. maybe i am doing soemthing wrong: $result = DB_query ("SELECT DISTINCT {$_TABLES['sessions']}.uid FROM {$_TABLES['sessions']},{$_TABLES['users']} WHERE {$_TABLES['users']}.uid = {$_TABLES['sessions']}.uid AND start_time >= $expire_time AND {$_TABLES['sessions']}.uid <> 1"Wink; $numReg = DB_numRows ($result); $result = DB_query ("SELECT DISTINCT uid,remote_ip FROM {$_TABLES['sessions']} WHERE uid = 1"Wink; $numAnon = DB_numRows ($result); ::so if i am not logged it $numAnon should atleast be 1 but it always is 0.. can anyone tell me how to fix this? DarkG


I tried out this block, and it works fine for me. You have to place this code inside your lib-custom.php file. When you create a new block in the block editor, pick php block and insert phpblock_anon_whosonline.

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Registered: 01/26/03
Posts: 7
I've tried creating a new Block and editing the original who's online block and have the same issue as DarkG. When logged in I can see whoe's online but when logged out I get nothing.