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Sections AND another categories of content

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Registered: 05/01/03
Posts: 22
We are configuring a geeklog for a independent media site. It's good to have the sections to categorize articles (i.e. economy, arts, politics...) but it would be good to have also additional factors to categorize the content. For instance, we miss a field "category" to define the type of content submitted: article, review, interview, fiction, picture, cartoon... This would allow us to show in one click "cartoons" related to "economy", "fiction" texts about "politics"... or simply offer a category of "all the interviews" for those who like to read interviews whatever the subject is. Another example, imagine that under the category "review" we have subcategories: "book", "film", "CD", "exhibition", "game" and so on. With this you could offer directly "reviews" of "books" about "arts". If this option is hidden anywhere or someone has work on a plug-in / hack it will be good to know. Thank you.

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You might consider organizing your site with Sections as the broad categories and then using Groups as a means of creating subcategories from your various Topics.

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Registered: 04/14/03
Posts: 7
You might also want to check out Tom W's Menu Plugin (I believe latest version is 1.6.1 or 1.6.2). It allows you to have "nested" topics / sections / subcategories, which would be one way of adding that extra category. Example:

Main Topic
     Subtopic 1
          Subtopic to Subtopic 1
     Subtopic 2
Main Topic 2
     Subtopic 1
     Subtopic 2


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Registered: 05/01/03
Posts: 22
I see that the Menu plugin solves part of the problem, but I don't understand the relation between broups and categorization of content. Could you explain it, please? (or point to a page where it is explained) Thank you. As far as I understood, groups are used to manage user permissions. Do you mean that I could also group all the articles that are "interviews" in a "interviews group"? (sorry if my question is too obvious) Frown

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Out of the box, Geeklog allows you to create Blocks (either PHP or standard) that are only displayed when a specific topic is displayed. Click on CDs and a block with links to things related to CDs displays. With some PHP/mysql skill, the Groups feature could be used to subcategorize topics. If you went from CDs to Reviews and clicked on Classical you'd be offered a different set of options than if clicked on Jazz. Classical and Jazz would be groups. I'm not advocating this route, just pointing out that it's an option.

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Registered: 05/01/03
Posts: 22
Thank you for the answers, now I've got a better perspective. It seems that we'll need to program a bit to assign this categorization of sections (arts, economy...) AND categories (articles, interviews, pictures...) to any content submitted in our GL. I'm not a programmer but I work with programmers in our organization, so maybe we could develop a plugin for this if you find it would be interesting and feasible. So my questions are: - Is it easy or complex to do (for a PHP programmer)? - Do you think it's worth the effort? - In brief terms, what would need to be done by the programmer? Thanks.

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I would recommend to work closely on Toms Menu Plugin... Its pretty good and could definitely prove a good starting point. Good luck Smile---Victor B. Gonzalez
Victor B. Gonzalez -

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