Welcome to Geeklog, Anonymous Thursday, February 13 2025 @ 08:54 am EST
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Attention Theme Citizens!I am looking for people who can spare at least an hour a day trying to crack some code...The code to be cracked is the Geeklog XSilver core and forums 2.0 CSS.I am already creating a map and am in need of some people to help move the project along.You will be credited in the end with your name in the document lights.Please reach me at vbgonzalez2003xp @ msn.com to discuss further the benefits and advantages of cracking the code...In short the aim is a system to help create themes quicker.I do not recieve email at the above address. To email me use my profile.
Victor B. Gonzalez -
Victor B. Gonzalez -
First you say: Please reach me at vbgonzalez2003xp @ msn.com to discuss further the benefits and advantages of cracking the code...
Then you say: I do not recieve email at the above address. To email me use my profile.
Then, why ask people to email to a non-functioning or little-used address?
From what I've seen here, I think the biggest problem most people have is: 1) they aren't really familar with CSS, 2) they can't visualize how the webpages are broken up into smaller pieces placed into multiple files, and 3) they aren't familiar with all the possible variables that can be used inside page templates.
I found the templates very confusing myself until I started changing different things to see the effects. It's even more confusing when you try to use them instead of hard coding html in a newly written plugin. After playing around for awhile, I have to admit they really aren't that hard to use but it does require a definite mind shift.
Awhile ago, someone recommended a template generator for GL. I think this would be a great addition for GL2 to help all the people having problems with 1-3 above. I also think something like Tom's config tool should be part of the package. Too many people get the paths messed up. Why not let them put in the minimum amount of info and let the software generate the rest without them touching the config file?
Then you say: I do not recieve email at the above address. To email me use my profile.
Then, why ask people to email to a non-functioning or little-used address?
From what I've seen here, I think the biggest problem most people have is: 1) they aren't really familar with CSS, 2) they can't visualize how the webpages are broken up into smaller pieces placed into multiple files, and 3) they aren't familiar with all the possible variables that can be used inside page templates.
I found the templates very confusing myself until I started changing different things to see the effects. It's even more confusing when you try to use them instead of hard coding html in a newly written plugin. After playing around for awhile, I have to admit they really aren't that hard to use but it does require a definite mind shift.
Awhile ago, someone recommended a template generator for GL. I think this would be a great addition for GL2 to help all the people having problems with 1-3 above. I also think something like Tom's config tool should be part of the package. Too many people get the paths messed up. Why not let them put in the minimum amount of info and let the software generate the rest without them touching the config file?
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Registered: 01/24/03
Posts: 169
vbgonzalez2003xp @ msn.com is an Instant Messaging address only. Anyone can feel free to either IM me or leave me a message as my IM is almost always on.
Reaching me through my profile is best as I do not like to make my email public. It is not as easily controlled as my IM handle at the moment.
As far as the CSS is concerned well it might be hard but for the few willing to help out a little CSS knowledge can go a long way... Many changes can take place in a CSS and no changes become apparent on the front end... Until you try something like turning off all images to your theme...
Also sometimes a change isn't apparent only on the homepage when you're logged in and can be vice versa...
I agree with most of what you said but I wish to tackle the CSS challenge with the few who are willing to help out. It might not be important to most but is a vital key as appearance is almost everything and when it comes to making a first impression graphics sometimes don't cut it...
I hope a few people find a little time to help on this. I look forward to working on it because in a sense it will be my contribution back to the Geeklog community since I am not at all descent in php code...
Anyone wish to help? ---Victor B. Gonzalez
Victor B. Gonzalez -
Victor B. Gonzalez -
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