
Hello, I would like to be selective in what goes to my newsfeeds. I would like to exclude certain of the articles from the rdf file. Thanks, Webmaster George


The rdf contains those articles which you allow to be read by anonymous. If you want only a subset of these, then you'll have to hack the code to give what extra conditions you want.

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Registered: 01/23/03
Posts: 17

Have a look at COM_exportRDF() in /path/to/geeklog/public_html/lib-common.php for starters.

I'm currently working on a newsfeed plugin, although it's primary function is to add more information to the feeds it will also allow you do things like limit the text length in each item description, exclude certain categories (or do 1 feed for each category + OPML file for your bookmarks/links table). is using my 'pre-plugin' version but their feed does illustrate the character cut-off (same style as MoveableType, I hope to have the plugin not cut off in the midde of words).

Lucas Thompson, sardu@mac,com

Lucas Thompson, sardu@mac,com