Welcome to Geeklog, Anonymous Wednesday, February 19 2025 @ 04:58 pm EST

Geeklog Forums

Korean title is broken - revisited.



This is an extended question from my previous posting.

Please see what I have just found.


In the image, everything except the top one had posted in IE.

Somehow, Mozilla is able to handle both Korean title and content, but IE(6.0) can not.

How can I possibly explain this thing and fix it?

Thank you in advance,



The page looks the same to me in Netscape 6 and IE 6. Perhaps the reason some of these characters are not displaying in Korean is because they aren't defined in the euc-kr character set or the browsers have not yet fully implemented it. Have you tried using ISO-2022-KR to see if that gives better results?


Try setting the default_charset as below: $_CONF['default_charset'] = 'ks_c_5601-1987'; To fully implement Korean language in your website you need to create korean.php under geek/language by translating the "language" file from any language file under the directory. You also need to specify the 'default_charset' in the korean.php file the same as above. See a GeekLog site running in Korean as an exmple at: http://choir.kcc-austin.org

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