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Registered: 10/23/02
Posts: 41
I;m getting this error with both of these two themes "Template Error: file /home/tesnnet/public_html/layout/True_Blue//memuitem_last.thtml does not exist.

If you notice there are (2) // after True_Blue.

Where do I fix this?? Thanks


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Site Admin
Registered: 01/12/02
Posts: 13073

There have been a lot of theme changes in 1.3.6 and it seems these two themes haven't been updated yet. Simply copy over the missing file from one of the themes that ship with Geeklog.

You may run into other such errors. Have a look at the list of theme changes in 1.3.6 for what else may be missing.

You can safely ignore the double slash - that's caused by the template library that Geeklog uses and only shows up in error messages.

bye, Dirk