Welcome to Geeklog, Anonymous Monday, February 17 2025 @ 04:01 pm EST

Geeklog Forums

FORUM plugin


Hi guys, I am having some problem with regards to installing the forum plugin. The documentation provided was ok till the configuration part(integration with geeklog). Due to the lack of documentation of how to integrate with geeklog, the part which u add the forums functions into the lib-common.php, have not been really able to get it working as yet. The forum functions which needed to be pasted at specific LINES, which as said in the readme, seems to be outdated, as the line number is no way near. Has anyone done this and have a HOWTO? I hope someone can help me here. Thanks in advance.

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Can you be a bit more specific. The forum plugin project referenced in this story here does not require any lib-common modifictions. This is a true GL plugin and not a hack.



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Looks like he's talking about the phpBB and CMS Bridge stuff?---L. Whitworth www.finiserv.com
L. Whitworth


I don't think he is talking about CMS BRidge either, because the instructions to edit lib-common only ask that you add a few lines to the *End* of the file, and does not mention line numbers....


Either way he should just install the new geeklog forum plugin. It's easy to install and works great.


I think he's talking about the phpBB Module for Geeklog v1.1 I had the same problem. In the file gl_functions.php you are instructed to add function calls into the file users.php However, the line numbers given and the lines of code your inserts are to follow are inaccurate. I had to find similar lines of code to place the phpbb_login, phpbb_logout, and phpbb_createuser calls. I couldn't find any place at all appropriate for the phpbb_deleteuser function call. I figured I would just delete users from both sections manually if I needed to delete them. However, when I set this up the first time, I kept getting a message about a duplicate key whenever I tried to log in as admin. I'm going to try starting over again, but I have my doubts.


I guess he could be talking about the GL Forum Project RC1, which I just finally stumbled across and which doesn't seem to be on the main plugins page. http://www.geeklog.net/article.php?story=20021208122743130 If I had known about this sooner I probably wouldn't have had to hassle with the phpBB plugin. Incidentally, why isn't it on the main Plug-ins page?

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