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browser compatibility

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Registered: 07/17/02
Posts: 9
Hi I have some users who are getting an error 404 Not found The requested URL /taz.css was not found on this server. The browser they are using is Netscape 4.76 Has anyone run into this and do you have a solution? I don't know why they just upgrade their browser.

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Registered: 01/12/02
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Location:Stuttgart, Germany
Well, a little more information (like the URL of your site ...) would help. Also, do you have a file called taz.css on your site? Is the path to it correct? Which theme are you using, etc. Btw, visitors will use any browser they want (or are forced to use, e.g. because of company policies). Don't make the assumption that anyone will upgrade their browser just to visit a website. bye, Dirk

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Forum User
Registered: 07/17/02
Posts: 9
Thanks, It turned out to be something I did. I am using a count down javascript and was asking for the .css file. Here is it, just copy and paste it into a 'New block' (Change the date at the bottom) <script language="javascript"> <!-- Countdown in Java Script .. Cameron Gregory http://www.bloke.com/ // permission to use and modify as long as you leave these 4 comment // lines in tact and unmodified. // http://www.bloke.com/javascript/Countdown/ speed=1000; len=40; tid = 0; num=0; clockA = new Array(); timeA = new Array(); formatA = new Array(); dd = new Date(); var d,x; function doDate(x) { for (i=0;i<num;i++) { dt = new Date(); if (timeA != 0) { v1 = Math.round(( timeA - dt )/1000) ; if (v1 < 0) clockA.date.value = "**BANG!**"; if (formatA == 1) clockA.date.value = v1; else if (formatA ==2) { sec = v1%60; v1 = Math.floor( v1/60); min = v1 %60 ; hour = Math.floor(v1 / 60); if (sec < 10 ) sec = "0"+sec; if (min < 10 ) min = "0"+min; clockA.date.value = hour+"h "+min+"m "+sec+"s"; } else if (formatA ==3) { sec = v1%60; v1 = Math.floor( v1/60); min = v1 %60 ; v1 = Math.floor(v1 / 60); hour = v1 %24 ; day = Math.floor(v1 / 24); if (sec < 10 ) sec = "0"+sec; if (min < 10 ) min = "0"+min; if (hour < 10 ) hour = "0"+hour; clockA.date.value = day+"d "+hour+"h "+min+"m "+sec+"s"; } else if (formatA ==4 ) { sec = v1%60; v1 = Math.floor( v1/60); min = v1 %60 ; v1 = Math.floor(v1 / 60); hour = v1 %24 ; day = Math.floor(v1 / 24); clockA.date.value = day+(day==1?"day ":"days "Wink+hour+(hour==1?"hour ":"hours "Wink+min+(min==1?"min ":"mins "Wink+sec+(sec==1?"sec ":"secs "Wink } else clockA.date.value = "Invalid Format spec"; } else clockA.date.value = "Countdown till when?"; } tid=window.setTimeout("doDate()",speed); } function start(d,x,format) { clockA[num] = x timeA[num] = new Date(d); formatA[num] = format; //window.alert(timeA[num]+":"+d); if (num == 0) tid=window.setTimeout("doDate()",speed); num++; } function CountdownLong(t,format,len) { document.write('<FORM name=form'+num+'><input name=date size=') document.write(len) document.write(' value="Countdown: Requires Javascript"></FORM>') start(t,document.forms["form"+num],format); } function Countdown2002seconds() { CountdownLong("March 31, 2002 07:00:00",1,8); } function Countdown2002() { //CountdownLong("March 31, 2002 07:00:00",3,20); CountdownLong("March 31, 2002 07:00:00",4,30); } function Countdown(t) { CountdownLong(t,4,30); } // end--> </script> <script language="JavaScript"> <!-- function MM_swapImgRestore() { //v2.0 if (document.MM_swapImgData != null) for (var i=0; i<(document.MM_swapImgData.length-1); i+=2) document.MM_swapImgData.src = document.MM_swapImgData[i+1]; } function MM_preloadImages() { //v2.0 if (document.images) { var imgFiles = MM_preloadImages.arguments; if (document.preloadArray==null) document.preloadArray = new Array(); var i = document.preloadArray.length; with (document) for (var j=0; j<imgFiles.length; j++) if (imgFiles[j].charAt(0)!="#"Wink{ preloadArray = new Image; preloadArray[i++].src = imgFiles[j]; } } } function MM_swapImage() { //v2.0 var i,j=0,objStr,obj,swapArray=new Array,oldArray=document.MM_swapImgData; for (i=0; i < (MM_swapImage.arguments.length-2); i+=3) { objStr = MM_swapImage.arguments[(navigator.appName == 'Netscape')?i:i+1]; if ((objStr.indexOf('document.layers[')==0 && document.layers==null) || (objStr.indexOf('document.all[') ==0 && document.all ==null)) objStr = 'document'+objStr.substring(objStr.lastIndexOf('.'),objStr.length); obj = eval(objStr); if (obj != null) { swapArray[j++] = obj; swapArray[j++] = (oldArray==null || oldArray[j-1]!=obj)?obj.srcSurprised!ldArray[j]; obj.src = MM_swapImage.arguments[i+2]; } } document.MM_swapImgData = swapArray; //used for restore } //--> </script> <meta name="keywords" content="lalalala"> </head> <body> <script language="javascript"> // when I'll turn 100, causing my own y1c problems. Countdown("October 22, 2002 12:00:00"Wink; </script>

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