
Is it possible for an admin to submit stories to specific members? So when the member logs in, he sees a story on the home page addressing him. Just like an e-mail.

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No, and that's not what stories are meant for. You can restrict access to stories to a certain group, though.

Or, if it's only a short message, you could use Blaine's Chatterblock (see it on, which lets you leave a message for a specific user.

bye, Dirk


Yes, a short message was what I wanted to send. Thankyou for your help!!

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Wouldn't it also be possible to directly manipulate the MySQL database and change the owner of the story to whomever, then setting the security on that story so that it can only be read by the owner?---L. Whitworth
L. Whitworth

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Registered: 01/12/02
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Yeah, I guess you could do that. It would be very clumsy, though and probably wasn't what the original poster had in mind. IMO, a system that lets you send messages to other users should not be based on stories. Sounds like the perfect application for a plugin (and, as I said, the Chatterblock already implements something similar). bye, Dirk