
Hello- My GL 1.3.5sr2 site was cruising along pretty good until one day when I went to the site and got this error instead of my page. 1030: Got error 127 from table handler The errorlog showed this: Sat Oct 26 01:00:36 2002 - 1030: Got error 127 from table handler SQL in question: SELECT DISTINCT *, count(*) AS dups,type,question,gl_stories.title FROM gl_comments LEFT JOIN gl_stories ON gl_stories.sid = gl_comments.sid LEFT JOIN gl_pollquestions ON qid = gl_comments.sid WHERE UNIX_TIMESTAMP( > 1035446436 GROUP BY gl_comments.sid Thanks in advance for any help/insight


Seems it was a corrupted file system that caused the error. Nothing to do with GL. Sorry.

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Registered: 12/07/02
Posts: 2
I ran in to the same error this morning, but did not see any answers so here is what I did to solve my problem. I checked my error file in /var/lib/mysql/servername.err and it had the following error: Got error 127 when reading table ./geeklog/gl_sessions I connected to my db and did a delete on the gl_sessions table and all was fine again. Steve