
I know people must be busy with GL2 - but I'm looking at how Staticpages work and might be improved - it looks like they are incorporated into GL now. Can users add pages and take ownership of them ? If I make a user a staticpage admin they seem to get access to all static pages rather than just their own. I may be missing how staticpages 1.2 actually works. Also how easy would it to be to allow upload of images (pref. to the database) for these pages ? I am willing to have a go at this but don't want to if its already on the agenda. Further ahead it might be nice to have static folders - for users to group pages of related info. This functionality would allow users to set up subsites within geeklog. Anyway just a few thoughts... Paul

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Registered: 01/12/02
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Static pages can only be created by users who were given the proper access rights. And when someone has the permissions to edit static pages s/he can edit ANY static page in the system. So whatever you're actually after, static pages is probably not what you are looking for ... bye, Dirk


One way to get what I want is to hack the index.php file in Staticpages 1.2 so that a user only sees the pages he authored in the static page listing - someone with root privileges sees everything - seems to work ok. Paul