
I'm modyfied all themes to have the top menu bar available to LoggedInUsers only. It works well. My site has to be bilingual, english and french. So far so good.... But the XSilver theme is another kind of beast. Because the top menu is made of gif files, I created a "fr" folder under "images" . I've put all gif files from "images" into that folder and created different "french gif" for the menu options. What I'm trying to do is modfy the "header.thtml" file to modify the {layout_url} var. What I did so far is this: Before the javascript code I included <?php if ($_USER['language']= 'french') { $_CONF['layout_url'] = $_CONF['layout_url'] . '/images/fr'; } ?> If I print the new layout_url it shows the new path but it doesn't get updated in the following javascript code using {layout_url} How should I do it? Thanks


OK fixed ! I inserted my script at a wrong place.