
I am unable to get any of the edit/new links or stories to work as admin or moderator. When clicked, nothing happens at all. I am using PHP 4.2 with global variables off. My server does not allow global variables to be turned on for security reasons. Is there a workaround?

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Registered: 01/12/02
Posts: 13073

Well, I hate to say that but you're out of luck then. Geeklog currently requires register_globals to be on, period.

Options that I could think of:

  • If your server allows it (but probably not), you could try enabling register_globals by putting this into a .htaccess file:
Text Formatted Code
php_flag register_globals on
Look into using extract and / or import_request_variables (i.e. you would have to use those in almost every Geeklog .php file). Or just rewrite Geeklog so that it doesn't require register_globals=off any more (just kidding ...).

bye, Dirk


Come on guys, read about why this is bad: I hope geeklog will be updated soon.

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Registered: 12/17/01
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We plan to address the register_globals issue in GL2. The effort to convert that code in our current codebase would take too long when it can be better addressed in our GL2 work. If you or your host insist on having register_globals off then we apologize and ask that you wait and be patient. GL is still one of the most secure weblogs around and of few security related bugs we've had, none were caused by register_globals being on.---The reason people blame things on previous generations is that there's only one other choice.
The reason people blame things on previous generations is that there's only one other choice.


Sorry to post up this problem again but recently I ran into the same problem fresh installed GL and it was successful. Problem is admin/moderator account can't edit or delete or make stories. My register_globals are on dunno why the problem insists. It came to me that maybe the problem is within the code and not the register_globals setting

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Registered: 01/12/02
Posts: 13073

The answer is in the FAQ now ...

bye, Dirk