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Is it possible to subscribe articles?


I know, that is possible to send an article to user But is it possible to subscribe articles for registered users? Joanna

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Site Admin
Registered: 01/12/02
Posts: 13073
Location:Stuttgart, Germany
Sure. What you need is cron and the ability to call PHP scripts from a cronjob. In the directory where your config.php lies, you'll find a file called "emailgeeklogstories". In this file, you need to set the path to your lib-common.php file. Next, you need to set $_CONF['emailstories'] = 1; in your config.php. Now every user will have a new section in their Display Preferences where they can select topics which they will get emailed. You need to set up a cronjob to call "emailgeeklogstories" once a day. All the users which selected topics to be emailed to them, will then get a digest email with all the new stories of the day. As of Geeklog 1.3.6, you can also use the variable $_CONF['emailstorieslength'] to set what the users will see in this email: It's either only the title, the complete intro text of the article, or a certain amount of characters from the introtext. A link to the story is always included. A word of warning: The first time you activate this, ALL stories in your Geeklog database are considered new - so the first email may be quite large ... bye, Dirk

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Registered: 09/12/02
Posts: 36
A word of warning: The first time you activate this, ALL stories in your Geeklog database are considered new - so the first email may be quite large ... is it work like this for each new subscriber?? it can be very cofusing after a month Frown Is there any possibility to change it?? J.

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Site Admin
Registered: 01/12/02
Posts: 13073
Location:Stuttgart, Germany
No, only when you activate the feature for the first time it will send out all the unsent "new" articles. Users who activate the daily digest later will only be sent the new stories from the day of their activation on. In cases like this (i.e. when the daily digest is activated after the site has been up for some time) I usually activate it for me, wait for the (huge) daily digest to arrive and only then tell people about it. bye, Dirk

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