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Registered: 09/12/02
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I have some troubles with making total polish version of my geeklog page. I cannot find a place, where I can change into polish words from comment bar. Also, in calendar only part of months are in polish after implementing locale "pl_PL" and chosing polish language. Is it posible to change the rest? (month and day names in small month view on calendar page). I'm not advanced in projects like this at all Frown regards Joanna

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Some texts, e.g. "Plain Old Text" and "HTML Formatted" (for the post mode) are stored in the database, so you need to change them there. The problem with the calendar is a bug that should be fixed with 1.3.6. bye, Dirk

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thanks a lot Smile) and texts like "flat, nested, oldest first" - where is the place I can change them?? I promise to show You the effect of my work after all the tests and putting it into proper place. BTW as far as I suppose for changing place I need - change path and url in config file - export database and save it somewhere - install GL into new path - import database (with the names changet for the new one) to have the old content inside or is there another way to do it?? J. (till Tuseday this week I only knew that MySQL exist)

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"flat, nested, oldest first" etc. can also be found in the database. Actually, it may make more sense to edit the file mysql_tableanddata.php (in the sql directory) before you install Geeklog. Be careful though, this file is very sensitive to typos ... The steps you mentioned are okay for moving an SQL database from one server to another. Be aware, though, that Geeklog stores some URLs in the database (for the "What's related" block). So if the URL changes with the move, you would have to change those, too (either before importing the database or afterwards). bye, Dirk P.S. Are you aware of Robert Stadnik's Polish support pages at

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Posts: 36
I wrote him, but without any answer (maybe he is on holidays or sth)? I cannot help a lot in technical things, but i/we (our company -journalistic) can help with translations if You need full polish version of GL Smile