Welcome to Geeklog, Anonymous Saturday, February 15 2025 @ 08:17 am EST

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i wan tot thank you and one more thing =)

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Registered: 09/06/02
Posts: 19
well first i want to thank you for your help ... you guys have great help here... so far everything is fixed.. =) but there is only one thing that i need and want to know.... i really cant see to add pics in my stories.. can someone please show me and example of how to post a pic and does it have to be a spacific size in order for it to work... do it have to b jpg, gif or can it be anything... ? this is my only and last problem (i hope) thanx

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Registered: 01/12/02
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Location:Stuttgart, Germany
To get an image into a story, you write your story as usual (as an Admin). In some places within your text, you place the special "tag" [image1] for the first images, [image2] for the second, and so on. You need to add those images by using the browse buttons below the story editor. The first image will be placed where you put [image1], and so on. You can use [image1_left] to make an image left aligned and [image1_right] to make it right aligned. Otherwise, it will just flow with the text. The image size is restricted (hard coded) to 300x300 pixels and 1 MB in size. That should be more than enough for any type of story. Image types allowed are JPEG, GIF, PNG, and BMP (though the last one shouldn't really be used on the WWW). bye, Dirk

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Registered: 09/06/02
Posts: 19
see that is the thing that when i try to add the image.. it dont show.. and when i save as draft.. the story wont show in the front page... this is wha ti mean ....

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Registered: 12/17/01
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Location:Urbandale, Iowa
You'll have to give us the exact steps you are using to produce this. This has been working for me without incident on my site for quite some time.
The reason people blame things on previous generations is that there's only one other choice.

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Let us not forget that adding the <img> tag to the list of allowable HTML in config.php would allow your users to reference an image that's already been uploaded anywhere on the web... I prefer using this method because 1) no size limitations, and 2) more flexibility. Though it also invites possible abuse by your visitors (mainly with the ability to call a js or cgi script using that tag...
L. Whitworth

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Registered: 09/06/02
Posts: 19
ya i did add that in config.php.. but here is how i am doing it for img <img src="blah.com/blah.gif"> and for [image] im picking it form my comp dir then all i do is just add [image1] in the body part of the textarea... is this correct?

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Registered: 01/12/02
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Location:Stuttgart, Germany
Sorry, from your description it's really hard to figure out what your actual problem is. Can you come over on IRC (server irc.freenode.net, channel #geeklog)? Maybe we can figure this out "face to face". bye, Dirk


I'm dealing with the same problem. I typed [image1] for the image I've uploaded but I still don't see the image. The error I get says:

image #1, 20040203003659795_1.jpg, wasn't included. This image HAS TO BE in the introduction or Body before saving.

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Site Admin
Registered: 01/12/02
Posts: 13073
Location:Stuttgart, Germany
Are you using the english language file? In some of the other language files, the "image" has been translated into the native language.

bye, Dirk

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