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Help me create a link using GL sign-on info

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Registered: 06/07/02
Posts: 7
Security nuts are going to kill me, but ... I use GL for a low-traffic intranet site and would like to provide a link in a right-block for users to log-in to the webmail interface of our mail server. The mail server and GL usernames and passwords are exactly the same. Can someone help me to build a block that will dynamically create a link which passes the GL username & unencrypted password to the webmail server in the form: https://webmail.company.com/?username=xxxx&password=xxxx Off topic - does SSL encrypt the URL request as well? Thanks

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This is not really possible. GL does not store the passwords except in an encrypted format and it is not possible to retrieve the password from this. One thing you can do if you do not have very many users is to create a block for each user that will only display when they are logged in, which contains the link to webmail. Not automatic but it works and not secure unless you are the only one who can access the block editor. Tom


I am the only one with any kind of admin access, and yes I only have 25 users. I assume I'd need a field in the gl_users SQL table containing their clear-text password to build the link.

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