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install errors


Help Please Authored by: hubbardsw on Wednesday, June 05 2002 @ 12:16 AM PDT I am trying to install 1.35 I am getting the following errors on page 1 of install.php: Notice: Use of undefined constant LB - assumed 'LB' in c:\inetpub\wwwroot\geeklog\public_html\admin\install\install.php on line 39 Notice: Undefined variable: action in c:\inetpub\wwwroot\geeklog\public_html\admin\install\install.php on line 279 Notice: Undefined variable: page in c:\inetpub\wwwroot\geeklog\public_html\admin\install\install.php on line 288 Notice: Undefined variable: page in c:\inetpub\wwwroot\geeklog\public_html\admin\install\install.php on line 296 If I go ahead and enter my path to geklog i get the following error: Notice: Use of undefined constant LB - assumed 'LB' in c:\inetpub\wwwroot\geeklog\public_html\admin\install\install.php on line 39 Notice: Undefined variable: action in c:\inetpub\wwwroot\geeklog\public_html\admin\install\install.php on line 279 Fatal error: Failed opening required 'Cinetpub\\wwwroot\\geekweb/system/classes/template.class.php' (include_path='.;c:\php4\pear') in c:\inetpub\wwwroot\geeklog\public_html\admin\install\install.php on line 289 Can someone please help I have checked my paths for the last 5 hours

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Site Admin
Registered: 01/12/02
Posts: 13073
Location:Stuttgart, Germany
I assume you are on Windows? You should write your paths using the forward slash / as a path separator. Yes, I know that Windows uses the backslash \ but the forward slash will work, too. bye, Dirk


I already tried that with the same results


I am having the very same Problems. I also was getting a blank page when using the intall ( on the secound page) I read my error Logs in Apache.. Error as follows: PHP Fatal error: Failed opening required 'Apache Group/system/classes/template.class.php' (include_path='.;c:\php4\pear') in C:\Apache Group\Apache2\htdocs\geeklog1\public_html\admin\install\install.php on line 289 I have checked everything and I still have no clue what is wrong. I have check PhP.ini where the include_path line is but have no clue what to do there to fix it. If anyone could help, it would be much appreciated Thank you Mynix

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Site Admin
Registered: 01/12/02
Posts: 13073
Location:Stuttgart, Germany
This is really just a problem with the path not being correct. Again, use forward slashes ('/', not '\\') and don't forget to include the drive letter. Also, you seem to be having spaces in your path names, which is not a good idea. I'm not sure what the proper way to escape them would be, so I'd suggest renaming the directories so that they don't have any spaces in them, e.g. C:/ApacheGroup/Apache2/htdocs bye, Dirk


Anyone - any help with this? I also am having the same issue. It doesn't appear to be a path issue. The first error "Notice: Use of undefined constant LB - assumed 'LB' in c:\inetpub\wwwroot\geeklog-1.3.5sr1\public_html\admin\install\install.php on line 39" then a few lines indicating undefined variables on lines 279 "if ($action == '<< Previous') {" then line 288 "if ($page > 0) {" thne line 296 "switch ($page) {" seems to indicates php complaining about the structure. Could it be the version of php for Windows? I'm using 4.2.1 Thanks for the help, Alan


I should add that I don't get the fatal error the original author is getting. If I add the path to geeklog and hit "next" it simply reloads the first page - with the Notices and without anything in the path to geeklog. Alan


ummm, never mind - after shutting off notices in php.ini and changing register_globals to on. I was successful in getting all up and running. Should of dug a little deeper before posting - sorry folks. Alan


That did help and thank you,..but now I have new problem. the error as follows. PHP Fatal error: Failed opening required 'system/databases/mysql.class.php' (include_path='.;c:\php4\pear') in C:\ApacheGroup\Apache2\htdocs\geeklog1\system\lib-database.php on line 90 now... i know i set the paths right and I did the / slashes.. so i am not sure what the problem is now.. I will dig around to see if i can find some answers . Any help would very appreciated.. Thank you Dirk for your time and help


Hey sorry to repeat myself here Smile I also got the same problem in this post: http://www.geeklog.net/article.php?story=20020615172220557#comments But.. I am not sure what the problem really is..... I keep looking at your advice Mr. Dirk Haun..... but I just can't figure out what I am doing wrong ...I will repost my error. PHP Fatal error: Failed opening required 'system/databases/mysql.class.php' (include_path='.;c:php4pear') in C:ApacheGroupApache2htdocsgeeklog1systemlib-database.php on line 90 Now as for as the paths; CONF['path']= 'C:/ApacheGroup/Apache2/htdocs/geeklog1/'; CONF['path_system'] = &#36;_CONF['C:/ApacheGroup/Apache2/htdocs/geeklog1/'] . 'system/'; Now all i need to know is what I am doing wrong here. If anyone can help.. it would be much appreciated.. Thank you ciao for now Mynix


Ok I figured out my problem.. CONF['path_system'] = $_CONF C:/ApacheGroup/Apache2/htdocs/geeklog1/'] . 'system/'; should be like this: CONF['path_system'] = $_CONF['path'].'system/' I should have left alone all the ( paths) In other words, i just needed to modify the CONF['path'] variable in the config file ( I didn't need to touch the CONF['path_system'] variable, or any other path . Smile I hope that helps someone Smile

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