Welcome to Geeklog, Anonymous Thursday, February 06 2025 @ 10:56 am EST
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Undesired parsing
When I viewed the HTML source, however, I noticed that the URLs in the anchor tags were passed through the text parser so:
was changed to this:
One immediate fix would be to add spaces around the words in the censored list defined in config.php (or just disable censoring). This would be a temporary fix.
The parser shouldn't try to censor words within words (or you end up with something like the above). In addition, it would probably be a good idea to have the parser ignore text that is not displayed.
But that's not all!
When I try to go back and edit the static page, the text is mangled once again.
$686.00-> 6.00
$100 -> 0
Note that the static page has the correct values when it is displayed. So, something happens after the admin presses the edit button. The "$" are not being escaped properly.
When I previewed this story, the parser performed the same substitutions on the expressions. But, when I used HTML Formatted Post Mode the "$" were parsed correctly. So, the problem is limited to Plain Text Mode.
If this is something I missed in the archives I apologize, but I couldn't find anyone else with this problem.
Is anyone else seeing similar behavior?
There have been some complaints about the censoring function lately, but I wasn't aware that it also tried to censor URLs. That is certainly wrong.
The $ is another common problem and is being addressed currently (i.e. will be fixed with the next release).
bye, Dirk
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