Welcome to Geeklog, Anonymous Friday, January 17 2025 @ 05:47 am EST

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Gallery 1.2.5 and Geeklog 1.3.5 Integration


First off...Great job on the new Geeklog release! The new functionality is great!

Ok, now down to the real nitty gritty. I'm a new Geeklog user and I just installed Geeklog 1.3.5 and Gallery 1.2.5. I just tried integrating the two by following the instructions in the article on embedding Gallery 1.2.5 into Geeklog 1.3.1. I had a two problems that I noticed.

1. The login did not work so that I couldn't manage my photo albums.
2. I had a parse error in the footer of the page.

I'm new to all of this so I would really appreciate some advice.




I'm not sure about the parse error part, but a workaround for the logging into Gallery problem I've found works is go to: http://url.to.your.gallery/login.php Enter your Gallery admin user username/password and hit login, this will keep you on the same screen (unfortunately) but if you now navigate to your gallery URL you will be logged in and able to administer it. I would be interested in hearing a prettier solution, though - particularly one which doesn't kill your login to the Geeklog site.. the cherry on the cake would be Gallery being embedded into whatever theme the user logged into the Geeklog site has selected - but well, that's beyond my feeble skills Wink


I'm glad someone posted this article because I'm having the exact same problem. Winnits, your hack solution did work, but I'd rather not have to do that everytime I want to manage my photo album. The parse error that I'm getting is:

Parse error: parse error in /home/httpd/vhosts/discobiscuit.com/httpdocs/gallery/html_wrap/wrapper.footer on line 31

It seems to be bombing out on this line of code:

$display .= '. '' . LB . COM_showBlocks('right',$topic) . '

Does anyone have a clue as to what that could be? I'm still a newbie to all of this so I'm still spinning in circles.



Well, it looks like I kinda solved the parse error problem on my own by commenting out that section of code. It's not pretty, but it works. =D

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Yeah, this is a PITA for me too. An elegant fixed is requested. If it weren't for coding GL I'd do it myself.
The reason people blame things on previous generations is that there's only one other choice.

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Registered: 02/26/02
Posts: 147
This is only part of the code required and believe it was not all posted correctly in the original article. You should find the exact code to display all the blocks in the Geeklog index.php file. The last main section of code in geeklog/public_html/index.php is what your looking for. No changes to the code should be required. Cheers, Blaine


I got the login integration to work today. Check out this page for the code. It's kind of hard to figure out and I have to run, but here's what I had to decipher:


I don't have time to explain the integration, but write me and I'll try to get back to you later.

Good luck!

: Jameson


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