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Geeklog Bounties: What do you want to see implemented?
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:banghead: <pet peeve>alt attribute</pet peeve>
Tell me about it...I'm about 90 percent complete on making my site 100 percent w3c complient. The only things left at this point are a couple of plugins thatI need to run thru. I've already gone thru all the one's that shipped with geeklog and they were complient. GLMenu2.1, GL_Utils1.0.2, Multifaqs2.2rc3, PhpDump, Mediagallery1.4.7 and GUS 1.7 are also now complient. I might work on the Forum and Filemgt as time goes.
My requests are:
- Calendar repeating events (needed this for years and I know it's been talked about for a long time)
- m2F (mail2forum) function a la the one for phpBB. I've used this for phpBB and love it! Now we use it internally to suck listservs into phpBB as a much better archival structure for searching than mailman and pipermail. We would be very interested in seeing this ability supported by GL forum because phpBB integration is painful.
- Something to make the URLs more friendly
Whatever happened to this list of bounties? How much of it ended up on the to-do list?
Geeklog Plugins: http://plugincms.com
Whatever happened to this list of bounties? How much of it ended up on the to-do list?
We're a bit unorganized there I guess. Partially due to the loss of the (old) bugtracker shortly after initiating this program.
Still, two things got implemented (OpenID support and Links sub-categories). And the program as such is still on. We've got some money from our ongoing sponsors that we could offer for features that the community wants to see.
At the moment, we're concentrating on wrapping up Geeklog 1.6 with the results of last year's Summer of Code plus getting into the Summer of Code again for 2009. So any new features from bounties would have to wait until 1.6.1 anyway.
That's the current state of things. A bit fuzzy, I guess. Got anything specific in mind?
bye, Dirk
Whatever happened to this list of bounties? How much of it ended up on the to-do list?
Yea, but that page was last updated July 20 2008, and I didn't see much on there that had been posted in this thread.
bye, Dirk[/p]
RSS feed for profiles. It would show the last X stories and posts by that user. I made my own hack at some point, but it would be nice to have it integrated natively:
I would like an RSS Digest.
http://www.geeklog.net/forum/viewtopic.php?showtopic=55955 (old request)
http://www.geeklog.net/forum/viewtopic.php?showtopic=86300 (new request)
SEO features (meta data).
Google sitemap.
"Dashboard" front page.
http://www.geeklog.net/forum/viewtopic.php?showtopic=37280 (front page different from topic pages)
Story "comment" generates Forum post.
Modular template files.
I have some other features/plugins I would like, but they would only be useful to Antisource.

I've been meaning to talk to Dirk about this. I am tired of updating Geeklog everytime a new version comes out to implement this feature in my own builds. I was hoping to contribute this for Geeklog version 1.6.0, for stories and staticpages so I don't have to worry about it anymore.
I also have code for serveral Poll autotags which I might as well contribute.
One of the Geeklog Core Developers.
In regards to SEO features (meta data),
I've been meaning to talk to Dirk about this. I am tired of updating Geeklog everytime a new version comes out to implement this feature in my own builds. I was hoping to contribute this for Geeklog version 1.6.0, for stories and staticpages so I don't have to worry about it anymore.
I also have code for serveral Poll autotags which I might as well contribute.
The meta tags really aren't as important as they used to be. Its just proper search engine optimization, and is beneficial for some of the secondary engines.
It would be nice if the article could have a Keywords field, that is simple delimited by commas. This would populate the meta Keywords - but you could also build additional features around it. Display it at the bottom of the article, and make each keyword a Link that runs a quick search on that word. Or let this drive a Related list of other article links.
Overall, I would like to see a robust SEO Plugin for GL. It would track spiders, keyword density, page rank, generate the google sitemaps, etc.
On a sidenote, I would like to see either native support or a plugin for Advertising, i.e. Google Adsense. You can add the javascript snippets to a form, with each snippet assigned to a custom tag, and those tags are referenced in the GL templates.
SEO + Ads = Money == GL sponsorship.

The recurring events and general calendar upgrade has fizzled. This continues to be a high-priority for me, but I would support redirecting my contribution to other causes.
It would be nice if the article could have a Keywords field, that is simple delimited by commas. This would populate the meta Keywords - but you could also build additional features around it. Display it at the bottom of the article, and make each keyword a Link that runs a quick search on that word. Or let this drive a Related list of other article links.
I do think the tag plugin made by Mystral_kk does most of this. (Don't know if it does the meta keyword part though.)
In regards to SEO features (meta data),
I've been meaning to talk to Dirk about this. I am tired of updating Geeklog everytime a new version comes out to implement this feature in my own builds. I was hoping to contribute this for Geeklog version 1.6.0, for stories and staticpages so I don't have to worry about it anymore.
I also have code for serveral Poll autotags which I might as well contribute.
The meta tags really aren't as important as they used to be. Its just proper search engine optimization, and is beneficial for some of the secondary engines.
It would be nice if the article could have a Keywords field, that is simple delimited by commas. This would populate the meta Keywords - but you could also build additional features around it. Display it at the bottom of the article, and make each keyword a Link that runs a quick search on that word. Or let this drive a Related list of other article links.
Overall, I would like to see a robust SEO Plugin for GL. It would track spiders, keyword density, page rank, generate the google sitemaps, etc.
On a sidenote, I would like to see either native support or a plugin for Advertising, i.e. Google Adsense. You can add the javascript snippets to a form, with each snippet assigned to a custom tag, and those tags are referenced in the GL templates.
SEO + Ads = Money == GL sponsorship.

While keyword meta tag is not that important, I believe the description is. Google uses the description in search results to describe the page.
While Mystral_kk tag plugin is a good start it has numerous bugs in it. I've been meaning to release something to iron them out.
One of the Geeklog Core Developers.
Actually, I did miss it. Sorry. But the killer feature was the recurring part

Yahoo Buzz
This is becoming pretty common on sites...
The meta tags really aren't as important as they used to be. Its just proper search engine optimization, and is beneficial for some of the secondary engines.
Yep, Google seem to use the meta description on occasion, e.g. for new pages. You also get warnings about duplicate meta descriptions in the Google Webmaster Tools, so they seem to have some weight.
There's a feature request for this already, btw.
bye, Dirk
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