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Fanny Mae

Forum User
Registered: 06/03/04
Posts: 22
Tried to edit the poll plug from

$_PO_CONF['pollsloginrequired'] = 0;


$_PO_CONF['pollsloginrequired'] = 1;

SITE WENT DOWN. Error shows as

An error has occurred:
2 - require_once(/home/lvmoc/geeklog-1.4.1/plugins/polls/ [function.require-once]: failed to open stream: No such file or directory @ /home/lvmoc/www/lib-common.php line 6172


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Fanny Mae

Forum User
Registered: 06/03/04
Posts: 22
Well that was interesting.

I had created a pull after modifying the file. After deciding that the mod did not do what I wanted, I changed the file back the original state but it appears that since the poll was created with that modification, the site went down. Changing the file to the modified state, deleting the poll and then changing it back worked.

>Breathing a sigh of relief - all is well with the world again - although polls still do not show on the front page unless logged out.