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Fanny Mae

Forum User
Registered: 06/03/04
Posts: 22
In trying to add a new user manually I get this error. Any ideas?

Check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near '' at line 1. SQL in question: SELECT uid,location,aim,yim,icq,yim,msnm,interests,occupation FROM gl_forum_userinfo WHERE uid =

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Fanny Mae

Forum User
Registered: 06/03/04
Posts: 22
Come on guys and gals - I know this has to have an easy answer. It was working and now doesn't. Corrupt file or . . .

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Forum User
Registered: 12/11/03
Posts: 31
Your error statement references gl_forum_userinfo . This table is part of the forum plugin which suggests it's a problem with the forum plugin. I don't use the forum plugin so I can't go much deeper.

Try posting to help section of the forum plugin's website.

You should also specify which version of geeklog and version of forum you're using.

Fanny Mae

Thank you sir, I'll scoot over to the plug in forum and see what I can find out.