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Registered: 11/19/07
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I have my own logo on my blog but I would like to take it one step further. As of now, when I click on the image, it takes me to the main page of the blog. What I would like to do is to set up a clickable link on one of the pixels of the image that takes me to a different page altogether. Is this possible? To find out what the coordinates of the pixel is and to write a command to change the url of just that pixel?

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Search your favourite HTML tutorial for the keywords "image map". Or have a look at the W3C site (the example uses an OBJECT, but that could just as well be an IMG).

bye, Dirk

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I know about image maps, I have used image maps to create an interactive map of the USA. I am using the chameleon plugin and the way my logo gets put at the top of the page is through chameleon. How do I incorporate the image map code into chameleon?

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I don't know how Chameleon works - haven't had the time to look at it yet. If it's using CSS to put the logo in the header, then things may get a little tricky ...

bye, Dirk

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That's what I was thinking. It's not a cut and dry html thing.

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Did you post on where the Chameleon gurus might be able to help?

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you should be able to edit the template file--the header.thtml file (i don't actually know if chameleon uses one or not).
insert a transparent pixel gif. make it a link. and use CSS to: first, assign an absolute position to it somewhere within the logo image area (wherever that usually is); and second, assign a positive z-index to it so that it will always be clickable above any clickable logo image.