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Registered: 06/16/06
Posts: 26
Hi, I want to change "Geeklog" to "Notices" in the topics block in the left hand column, and change "Geeklog" to "Notice" in submitstory. I think the variable is lang_story and $LANG12[29], but I don't know enough about Geeklog, PHP or MySQL to go from there. Once again, I looked in the docs and search, but didn't see anything. Thanks for helping.

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Registered: 01/12/02
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The Topics block lists topics. "Geeklog" is one of the default topics after a fresh install. So if you don't like it, delete it and create a new topic ...

This can all be done from the Admin's menu (entry "Topics") - no code changes or knowledge necessary.

bye, Dirk

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Forum User
Registered: 06/16/06
Posts: 26
Thank You. I should have guessed that it was easy.