Hi all
where is all ????!!!

thanx for your portal Geeklog i use it from a long time in this day i will be change the language from English to arabic after that all thing go will like header i cahnge it but i have 2 problem

1- story title :
when i add story in arabic language the title are cahnge to #1#45
number and hash it is Unocode problem or font problem i dont know but when i view th story before i send it i can see the title very will >

2- block title :
when i add new block and the title in arabic languge on word only appear anther word is not display .

can any one here help me ?! like Dirk and Geeklog team .

thanx alot
your Fadi Al-Madi

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Registered: 02/15/02
Posts: 725
Have you set the character encoding correctly in config.php?
Geeklog Polish Support Team


ok man yea u set it

thanx for your reply


* i set it


plz anyone to help me the site is stopped th this day cuz this problem