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Fanny Mae

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Registered: 06/03/04
Posts: 22

Not sure what has happend but this AM we find that the home page no longer shows news or stories - though the stories all exist if you access them through the admin block.

The page reads

No News to Display

There are no news stories to display. There may be no news for this topic or your user preferences may be too restrictive

As far as we know, nobody changed anything and I don't see any errors in the logs.

Ideas anyone?

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Admins (members of the Root group) should still be able to see the stories.

If only normal users are affected, check the stories' permissions (and the topic permissions) to make sure that anonymous and logged-in users still have read permissions.

Another thing I could think of: Date issues. Check that the stories' dates are not in the future and also check the server's date.

bye, Dirk

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Fanny Mae

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Registered: 06/03/04
Posts: 22
No, it's the same for Guest or registered users and even admin.

Server date is OK and stories dates were not changed, but I checked a few anyway and they are OK

OH, Brainstorm, I checked the stories and found that DRAFT was checked off on all of them. Is there any way that a glitch could allow that to happen or would someone have to go in and change all 120 of them?

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Registered: 01/12/02
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Quote by Fanny Mae: I checked the stories and found that DRAFT was checked off on all of them. Is there any way that a glitch could allow that to happen or would someone have to go in and change all 120 of them?

The only thing that operates on more than one story at a time is the Mass Delete Spam-X module - and I have a hard time seeing how it would set the draft flag. So I don't think it was anything in Geeklog, at least not in the core code.

Did anyone try to do something directly on the database?

bye, Dirk