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Registered: 10/07/04
Posts: 17
I just upgraded GL to 1.3.11sr3.

I'm now trying to update the forums from portal parts.

My issue is that when I go to the plugins panel, I see all the plugins:

However, when I click on any of them, they don't open. I just get browser saying "Loading" and they never load.

Did I miss something in the upgrade of GL?

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Forum User
Registered: 10/07/04
Posts: 17
I've done some testing. It's definitely trying to bring up the plugin, just not doing it.

I say that because I've tried to go the the page via the address bar (http://sitename/admin/plugins.php?mode=edit&pi_name=forum) and left out forum. It returns saying no plugin name provided.

I've also tried changing forum to something that does not exist (like test), and i get an error editing plugin test. Either the plugin does not exist or there is more than one row with with same pi_name. Bailing out to prevent trouble.

So, it's really just sitting and spinning and not bringing up the plugin editor.

Any help on this is greatly appreciated.