
Hello Dirk, Blain or anyone who can help:

I have installed GeekLog 1.3.8 1src2 yesterday successfully. Since I have used geeklog before for my other sites... i know the usual procedure to install plugins.

But when I tried to install plugins such as Forum 2.2 Plugin or zClassified to my Geeklog 1.3.8 1src2. I couldn't install the plugins. From the Admin control panel i've pressed the INSTALL but nothing happens... I even tried typing the exact url of the INSTALL.php for the plugins .. was unsuccessful in installing.

Is there a problem with GeekLog 1.3.8 1src2 ?? Or I have done something terriblely wrong ??

Please make ur suggestion.

Thanking you in advance.

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Site Admin
Registered: 01/12/02
Posts: 13073
Are you sure you have register_globals=on?

bye, Dirk


Dirk Thanks ... you guys are amazing. That was the problem and I have solved it lastnight but forgot to inform you all.
