
Right. I just installed GL (and very cool it is too!) but wanted to know how do I install the plugins? Any pointers welcome to further reading etc (I had a quick look round and read the FAQ etc but didnt find much) Cheers in advance and thanks for GL Smile Fatboy

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Registered: 01/12/02
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Since there aren't too many plugins around yet, is it possible that you're talking about other addons, like blocks? In general, I would assume that every plugin / addon comes with some form of installation instructions. bye, Dirk


Any really. I am particularly looking at the phpBB plugin/block. I already have the phpBB forum installed, so I just really want to get the plugin installed. Like I said - I am a complete n00b (should of seen how long it took me to get GL installed!!), but now I have found GL, I want to see what it can do. Fatboy