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Complete Guide to Integrating Gallery into Geeklog
I just finished spending hours integrating Gallery into Geeklog. After reading through several articles and comments on how to integrate the two systems, I decided to try and help everyone out by summarizing it all into one little package.
(**warning** It's not pretty, but it works!)
To make things a bit simpler for everyone I made a zip file with all the code and instructions that you'll need to seamlessly integrate Gallery into Geeklog. You can download the zip at: http://www.discobiscuit.com/extras/gl_gallery_integration.zip. I'm not sure which versions this will work with, but I integrated Geeklog 1.3.5 with Gallery 1.2.5.
I've also included the code that displays random images in a PHP Block.
I hope that this gives everyone more time playing rather than working. =D
: Jameson
Ooops! Sorry about that! ={
Here's the link to my photo album.
And yes, this solution does merge the Geeklog login with Gallery. In order for people to have admin access to the entire gallery they must also have root access to Geeklog. I've created a public album in my gallery where I give only gallery_tester permission to add pictures and to delete them. To test the system log into my site with the following information:
Username - gallery_tester
Password - tester
Best of luck everyone!
Parse error: parse error in /Library/WebServer/Documents/secure_area/Gallery/init.php on line 172 Fatal error: Cannot instantiate non-existent class: albumdb in /Library/ WebServer/Documents/secure_area/Gallery/albums.php on line 34
Any help would be apprecated
"Get Geeked"
Adrian's integration instructions worked to the point that Gallery is now wrapped inside Geeklog. HOWEVER, the "login" option is NOT available even though the "slideshow" feature does have a link in ablum views.
As a test I re-installed the init.php that comes with Jameson's integration package. When you click on the Gallery link, you get a blank screen and NO error messages.
The site I'm doing this at is jomari.com. These photo albums are part of the Digital Art Desktops and Postcards site.
Currently I have Adrian's integration in place. Any ideas of what may be causing the blank screen of death with Jameson's integration?
John Hughes
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