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Category: Add-ons arrow Hacks
Tags: -
Date: 2014-11-29 12:14
Size: 106.07 KB
Version: 0.2.beta
MD5: 2c08af814b341097020aa81aadf84fa4
Submitter: remy
Web: -
Rating: 0.00
Popularity: 1134   POP
Added resource files and a screenshot.
added fields and legend to improve visual experience.
Category: Add-ons arrow Hacks
Tags: -
Date: 2010-06-03 09:02
Size: 6.79 KB
Version: 0.1
MD5: 3b53d06e10c677b63dd7d0d3f32550ff
Submitter: justrage
Web: www.justrage.com
Rating: 0.00
Popularity: 1132   POP
Using geeklog static pages you will create a simple contact form that accepts a persons email address, subject and message. It utilizes recaptcha and a hidden input field to help reduce spam . It includes some javascript validation for required fields and sanatizes form fields.
Category: Add-ons arrow Hacks
Tags: -
Date: 2005-01-14 12:54
Size: 82.82 KB
MD5: 933b545d0713ebdb8270cdf8ccf60a93
Submitter: emagin
Web: -
Rating: 0.00
Popularity: 1131   POP
A calendar hack to allow:
Use of categories in calendar
Dropdown to select All, cat1, cat2 etc
Categories are created by creating a group called cal_name (name becomes the category name)

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Category: Add-ons arrow Hacks
Tags: -
Date: 2007-03-17 04:41
Size: 8.79 KB
Version: 1.0.21
MD5: 0798ff9d0e5d8017a1bf69d20eb68da2
Rating: 10.00(1)
Popularity: 1115   POP
Allows you to add a CafePress store to your site really simply.
Category: Add-ons arrow Hacks
Tags: -
Date: 2005-03-07 13:53
Size: 529 bytes
Version: 1.0
MD5: 34f1bcffe3c27462d4064cc6926b4f3b
Rating: 7.00(1)
Popularity: 1096   POP
This is code for a static page that brings back the latest submitted and approved stories. If your site get frequent submissions this may be useful to list the stories. You can control the number of stories listed by changing the variable $numStories

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