Welcome to Geeklog, Anonymous Friday, January 17 2025 @ 04:21 pm EST
Geeklog v2.2.2 is the recommended version for all production websites and now supports PHP v8.1. For upgrades, please make sure any plugins you are using are compatible with Geeklog v2.2.0 or higher. This is a complete tarball for fresh installs as well as upgrades from any older Geeklog version.
If you use either the full or update package on an existing Geeklog install, you will still have to manually remove any files that are not used anymore by Geeklog v2.2.2. For the list of removed files from Geeklog 2.2.1sr1 please see the text file included in this package (found here \public_html\docs\removed-files).
For more information on the new features and bug fixes in this version, please read this article or the history text file found in the docs directory.
Note: Make sure your 3rd party Geeklog plugins are updated to the latest version as they are required to use the function COM_createHTMLDocument. This replaces the functions COM_siteHeader and COM_siteFooter. If you are unsure if a plugin supports Geeklog v2.2.0 then from the Geeklog Plugin Admin page either disable it before the Geeklog Upgrade or uninstall the plugin.